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Remote Team Meeting

Online one-to-one Orton-Gillingham tutoring for readers everywhere!

Private One-to-One Tutoring

One-to-one Tutoring Details

Orton-Gillingham tutoring sessions are online, and available Monday-Friday, but availability is limited.

All sessions take place on Zoom. We schedule 1-3 times per week depending on your child’s needs.

Choose between 4 to 12 one-to-one online sessions per month.

Children reading books, studying, and practicing how to read.

Session Frequency & Rates

In each 50-minute, one-on-one class, your child will enjoy activities and word-play games that strengthen phonemic awareness, and learn phonetic concepts and/or new spelling patterns all using the Orton-Gillingham sequences. Your child will learn to decode and read words and sentences and practice writing these new words with the spelling patterns they have learned.



1 Month | 4 Sessions



1 Month | 8 Sessions



1 Month | 12 Sessions

Each plan includes:

A pre-treatment and post-treatment 20-minute consultation
✓ ​A 10-minute "meet-and-greet" Zoom with your child
✓ 50-minute classes 1-3 times per week
✓ The first 2 sessions will involve comprehensive, non-diagnostic assessments 
We will send your child a box of materials to be used during and between sessions 
✓ Instructions for between-session practice will be provided. 
✓ Parents can reach Kathryn via email and schedule phone calls as needed. 

Not sure which plan is right for you?

Click here to schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation 

How To Get Started

Step 1 Click "Book Now"

Choose your session frequency based on your reader's needs. If you're not sure which plan is right for you, please contact me, I am here to help! If you are not sure what your child will need, book your free 20 minute consultation with me. I am happy to help!

Step 2 Schedule Your Consultation

You will be directed to my calendar page, where you will schedule a date and time for your initial consultation. During this call, I will answer your questions and specific concerns as well as conduct an assessment of your reader. 

Step 3 Choose Your Monthly Plan

Choose your plan (cancel at any time after the first month) and complete the payment process. We will meet via Zoom for our consultation where we will schedule your child's first and subsequent sessions depending on availability.

Step 4 Take A Sigh Of Relief!

You can take a deep breath, exhale, and relax, you got this! It may not feel like it today, but you are on the right path. 

Refund & Cancellation Policy

One-to-One Classes for monthly plans are paid in advance for the month ahead. Refunds are not given for missed One-to-One class sessions; however, you can schedule up to 3 make-up One-to-One sessions within the one-month period. Make-up sessions for One-to-One sessions do not roll over to the following months. 

Group classes are not eligible for make-up sessions, as the class times are fixed. Refunds are not given for missed class sessions.

If for any reason you must discontinue services, you will need to contact us in writing. You cannot cancel services retroactively for missed sessions. You are welcome to keep the Reading Kit provided to your child, but they will lose access to the online practice portals upon cancellation.


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